Mr Abhiram Sharma is a highly trained colorectal and general surgeon based in South Manchester. He provides laproscopic and minimally invasive surgery for the NHS in the University Hospital of South Manchester and for private patients at the Spire and Alexandra hospital. He aims to provide an excellent service with diagnosis and treatment of general surgical and colorectal conditions. This website provides information regarding these conditions for patients and general practitioners as well as the ability to contact Mr Abhiram Sharma to query about making an appointment and for clarification about any information.
Bowel Cancer
Pelvic Floor Surgery
Patient's View

Mr Sharma showed empathy & compassion from the outset, I was most anxious at our first meeting & he defused my anxiety by being caring & communicating in a sensitive manner. His leadership radiates among his team too, whom demonstrated respect & fondness for him. It wasn’t easy to be told I had bowel cancer Mr Sharma gave me this diagnosis in a caring way – just right for me & my hubby. He then performed my surgery – he was marvelous & due to his skills & leadership I have healed very well. I can’t thank him enough & we told him but he was so humble & kind even with our feedback. The NHS should be proud that Mr Sharma is doing such an amazing job day in day out. I would recommend him to anyone having bowel surgery. This is my 2nd diagnosis of cancer in 10 years & Mr Sharma with his team were excellent in every aspect. Thank you so so much!

Latest News & Developments
Cancer Death Rates Fall as Prevention, Treatment Advance