With a focus on personalized care, cutting-edge techniques, and minimally invasive approaches, Mr. Sharma ensures optimal outcomes for a variety of conditions affecting the digestive and colorectal systems.
Treatments Options
Mr Abhiram Sharma carries out the following treatments for these conditions.
Anal Fissure
- Advancement flap
- Conservative treatment
- Botox Injection
- Fissurectomy
- Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy
Anal Fistula
- Insertion of Seton
- Fistulotomy
- Fistulectomy
- LIFT procedure
- Advancement Flap
Anal Skin Tags
- Excision
Anal Warts
- Excision
- Laparoscopic Appendicectomy
Bowel Cancer
- Laparoscopic Right Hemicolectomy
- Laparoscopic Extended Right Hemicolectomy
- Laparascopic Left Hemicolectomy
- Laparoscopic Sigmoid Colectomy
- Laparascopic Anterior Resection
- Laparascopic APER
- Total Mesorectal Excision
- TAMIS: Minimally invasive surgery for early rectal cancer
- Transanal TME
- Surveillance Colonoscopy
- Closure of Ileostomy
Colonic Polyps
- Advanced Polypectomy
- Conservative Treatment
- Laparoscopic Total Colectomy with Ileorectal Anastomosis
Crohns Disease/Ulcerative Colitis/ Inflammatory Bowel Disease/ Proctitis
- Conservative Treatment
- Laparoscopic Bowel Resection
- Stricturoplasty
- Laparoscopic Ileoanal Pouch formation
Diverticular Disease
- Laparoscopic Resection with Primary Anastomosis
- Laparoscopic Reversal of Hartmann’s
Epigastric Hernia
- Open and Laparoscopic Repair
Faecal Incontinence
- Conservative Treatment
- Sacral Nerve Stimulation
- Sphincteroplasty/ Sphinter Reconstruction
- Sphincter Augmentation
Femoral Hernia
- Open and Laparoscopic Repair
Gall Stones
- Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
- Rubber band Ligaiton
- Electrotherapy
- Stapled Haemorrhoidopexy
- Haemorrhoidectomy
Incisional Hernia
- Open and Laparoscopic Repair
- Component Separation
Inguinal Hernia
- Open and Laparoscopic Repair
Internal Rectal Prolapse/ Rectal Prolapse/ Rectocele/ Solitary Rectal Ulcer
- Laparoscopic Ventral Mesh Rectopexy
- Posterior Rectopexy
- Delorme’s Procedure
- STARR Procedure
- Transvaginal Repair
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Conservative Treatment
Perianal Abscess
- Incision and Drainage
Pilonidal Sinus
- Incision and Drainage
- Sinusectomy
- Bascom’s Procedure
Pruritis Ani
- Conserative Treatment